Multi Building Development

Installation example

e.g. 4 Tenant buildings (4 Entrance stations, 4 Guard stations, 1,060 Tenant stations)
2 Main buildings (2 Entrance stations, 6 Guard stations)

  • Can be configured as a single system without creating separate systems for each building.
  • Connect buildings through an IP network. Ideal for large sites with long distances between buildings.
  • The main building can communicate with all tenant buildings.
Proposed system:
1 Standard system, 3 Expanded systems in tenant buildings.
2 Expanded systems in main buildings.
Maximum capacity

* Possible to mix video and audio only systems.
System configuration example

Large Scale Residential Building (more than 500 units)

Installation example

e.g. 3 Tenant sections (1,100 Tenant stations)
1 Main section (3 Entrance stations, 3 Guard stations)

  • Multi-building control units allow systems to be configured without having to use separate systems for each section.
  • All tenant stations can be called from any entrance station or guard station.
Proposed system:
3 Expanded systems in tenant sections
1 Expanded system in main section
Maximum capacity

* Possible to mix video and audio only systems.
System configuration example

Gated Community / Villa

Installation example

e.g. 2 Tenant sections (60 Tenant stations)
1 Tenant building (1 Entrance station, 1 Guard station, 400 Tenant stations)
1 Main section (1 Guard station)

  • All sections (buildings) can be configured in a single system without creating separate systems for different types of buildings.
  • Connect sections through an IP network. Ideal for large sites with long distances between sections.
  • The main section can communicate with all tenant sections.
Proposed system:
2 Standard systems in tenant sections.
1 Expanded system in tenant building.
1 Standard system in main section.
Maximum capacity

* Possible to mix video and audio only systems.
System configuration example

Small Residential Building (e.g. 20 units)

Installation example

e.g. 1 Tenant building (1 Entrance station, 1 Guard station, 20 Tenant stations)

Proposed system:
1 Standard system in tenant building.
Maximum capacity

* Possible to mix video and audio only tenant stations.

System configuration example

Medium-Size Residential Building (e.g. 150 units)

Installation example

e.g. 1 Tenant building (2 Entrance stations, 2 Guard stations, 150 Tenant stations)

Proposed system:
1 Expanded system in tenant building.
Maximum capacity

* Possible to mix video and audio only tenant stations.

System configuration example

Intercom App® (GT-1C7W only)

System configuration example

Intercom Appp® System configuration
  • * A wireless LAN router can register for only one GT-1C7W in the same room number.
  • * Ensure that your internet connection for both the master monitor station and your smartphone meets the minimum requirements for using the application. (1.5Mbps for download and 1.5Mbps for upload)

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